How to get red-hot leads while you sleep
How to get red-hot leads while you sleep

Your job as a business owner is to find as quickly as possible everyone who doesn’t want to buy from you. Here’s my reasoning.
In my 25 years in this game, I’ve wasted a lot of time chasing unqualified leads.
I’ve spent hours upon hours making presentations, only to be told “thanks I’ll think about it.” And you know as well as I do that means no.
I’ve spent personal time away from family and friends preparing presentations for people that were “really interested in learning more.” I find out after the presentation that there’s no way this person could afford what I’m selling, even if they wanted to buy it.
I’ve talked to people who did have the money and did have the problem that my product solved...
...only to find out after giving them my hard-earned and valuable insights they were just milking me for free information.
Talk about feeling defeated. I know you’ve gone through this yourself. I’ve helped businesses owners just like you avoid these problems by making marketing funnels.
Here’s an example of an online funnel.
Someone is browsing the internet looking for home repairs. They click on a Google Ad that says “home repairs in your area.”
This filters out everyone going to your site who doesn’t want home repairs where you’re located.
The ad takes them to a website. The website offers a free lead magnet or low-cost info product that the user downloads.
This is a second way to filter out everyone who isn’t that interested.
The prospect is now on an email list - and they get emails (like this one) on the subject of home repairs. People who get on the email list are usually at least somewhat interested.
Eventually, when the person is convinced you are the solution - they’ll call you or buy your product online. These are likely repeat buyers.
This is the bird’s eye view of a funnel.